Monday, February 12, 2007

She's Alive!

To those who view this little blog on occasion I am sorry to be so behind in blog-land.
I have no real excuse (homeschooling, chores, appointments and of course KNITTING,rearranging my entire scrapbook area too.) Like I said no good reason to be out of the loop.
Part of my problem was I got behind on my blog-lurking,low and behold my regular reads have been blogging fools. So I had to catch up,then I was inspired to do all the projects they have been working on. That was followed by a short period of depression (after realizing I have to do one thing at a time). Then the sun came out for a few days I had to enjoy that for a little while.
On to the update. The kids have had a bad round of colds, followed by the grumpy laziness that accompanies feeling crumby for that many days in a row. Not to mention the fact that our very new washer quit, leaving me to go to laundry mat with 6 baskets of laundry. That being said, I am so glad to finally be done with all that and on to better things.
I have, believe it or not, finished some projects and faithfully started others. My goal is to knit from my stash for a while. That is, if I can stay out of Knot Another Hat. hehehe.
I will post picture of the new craft area soon. I am awaiting my new valentine gift (new camera) thanks to my very generous cousin..
Also finished, with promised photos from those who got these wonderful knitted projects. A cute little pair of toddler socks for my friend's little girl. Two pairs of knitted cable mittens, finished for a super duper YVONNE instructed class at KAH.
Almost done with my first sock (FOR ME) made out of the yummy Lavender Sheep yarn.
Details to follow. I am at the second repeat in my afghan square and feel like I may actually finish it before class on Saturday.. Oh the things that make me happy.
My scrapbook obsession has taken a little vacation but now will be full force again with the new SPACE. Can't wait to get going on that again.
Well, I should get back to my non-profit job and earn my keep.Hehehe.. Oh boy. I have learned this past week that just when you think you are immune to the embarrassing things your kids could say to someone. THEY surprise me with another do oozy. Details later.


LavenderSheep said...

Well, I think your eldest behaved very well in the shop. Glad you have been getting lots of things done.

sarah / knot another hat said...

Welcome back!!!

Mokihana said...

Love the blog! You are near one of my very favorite LYS's.. Knot Another Hat. Ho da lucky! I love sitting on the couch and looking out at the river. I am about to make a trip up there to pick up some yarn that Sarah is holding for me. I have a feeling some Lavender Sheep yarn is going to jump into my bag while I'm not looking while I'm there.
