Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mean Mom RETURNS!!

Hello to the faithful few. I am a terrible mother today.. Or so my kids have informed me of that. They have been chomping at the bit to rush out into the snow. I on the other hand have not staged the dry off zone. Is it toooooooo much to ask for a little paitence in this? I mean seriously, a few more minutes will not crush the spirit of snow playing children across america. I said be thankful you live in an area where there is snow. Some kids have never seen snow. They started laughing at me and telling me I need to go get some sleep. WHATEVER!! Just passing on tidbits of knowledge. hehehehe
So on to knitting news-- My hubby sweater I was knitting away on is now a whole size smaller than it should be. Need to figure out what I am going to do about that... Grrrr... Then I finally finished the two socks at once project they are blocking now I will post about 30 photos when I finally get them all taken.. hehehahah..
I have started another baby cutie tanky shirt. Also almost done with the first sock for one of my boys for christmas.. So I am staying busy.
I will also be going crazy with my christmas sewing projects. Then on to the baking and goodie baskets.
Well that is all for now. We have all recooperated from the Thanksgiving food-fest.. Ughhhh!! Hope all of you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
One thing I am thankful for this year are the new poeple I have met and the laughs we have shared this year. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better this year.
The "I CAN"T BELIEVE HE DID THAT MOMENT" are few and far between this month. Is that good or bad? What will I write about if my kids start to become NORMAL?
My advice to those of you who go to church. Don't let your kids spin in the back row and jam out to the WORSHIP TEAM practice, with out a helmet. My lovely little 2 year old was jammin his heart out and whacked smack dab into the pew arm. (wooden pew arm) with his eye. He looked like a Rocky movie. Poor GUY...

Monday, November 20, 2006

She Lives

I can't really tell you what has been going on for the last two weeks. That is a long time for me not to blog.
Life has definitely taken on a rhythm of its own this past month. With plans for Thanksgiving being finalized that has taken lots of time.
The boys are all about the same. Busy, busy, busy. Makoa has decided he LOVES swim lessons. This is great considering the last swim lesson teacher probably still has scars from the claw marks the left in her neck, while clinging on for dear life.
I will be finishing up the first of the Christmas gifts soon. I finished a cute little baby vest for a lady who wanted it for a shower gift. I hope the recipient appreciates it.
Well I really should run my errands and clean some toilets today. So that we don't get turned into the county for a suspicious odor....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A New Day

Mom Log: Calendar Date- November 7th, 2006.
Today started with strange life forms, visiting from another planet.
The boys woke up unusually pleasant for my morning people. This is a good thing. I am praying that it stays so nice.
To those who had concern for my troops. They ended the afternoon in the well behaved and cooperative manner, I know they are capable of.
Good News may be just around the corner. The dryer may be okay. We have an electrician friend who came by last night to peek at it and he thinks the dryer may only need a new cord.
This is a plus... Cause I soooooo don't want to have to spend the money on a new dryer. I have soooo many worthy things I could invest in.. CHUCKLE, CHUCKLE.. I have some friends on the inside who know what I'm talking about..
In other news-- My friend Miss. Vonnie from lavendersheep is whipping me up some DESTINY sock yarns. I can't wait to see the finished product.
You have to check out my side bar and check out her blog. She has a cool ETSY store there and you can see all her cool creations.
Her yarn is so fun. I wanna be a spinner/dyer like her when I grow up..
She is just a nice person too. So of course I HEART NICE PEOPLE!! Thanks Vonnie....
I will post some pictures when I get it..
Until then off to feed the ailens maybe food is the key to their happiness.

Monday, November 06, 2006

"Is she crying or laughing?"

This is what I heard as I was in tears in my bathroom after returning from 3 hours at the laundry mat with all four boys at 7 in the morning..
"Is mom in the bathroom?". "Yeah, why?" ,"Is she crying or laughing?".
I was crusing along finishing up my projects yesterday and was on a mission to track down a FUNNY SMELL. It was sort of a burning rubber or nasty meat grease. I was not sure. All day I smelled it. SOOO last night I switch the laundry and was loading the dishwasher when I hear a huge POP! Not to alarming, if the power hadn't went out.
So I am scrambling down the hallway to switch the breaker, and the smell is really bad now.
The dryer is fried. GGGGGGGGGGGGGRR. I don't know if it is worth the repair man coming to look at it for $50-100. That is just to come out and let me know if it is fixable. hmmmm.
Well, I had two wet loads and the washer would not spin out the water. Soooo, I think what ever happend with the electricity last night has now killed both my washer and my dryer.. This is not what a mom with 4 boys wants to realize with 5 over flowing baskets waiting for her. Fast forward from 1am (going to bed) to 5:30ish (waking up for the day). I need to get the laundry done.
Well, off we went to the little laundry mat at 7ish this morning. My kids were acting like DEAF-MONKEYS. What is up with that? I could not get one of them to CALM DOWN. So I came home and cried in the bathroom at the love and obedience they showed their mother in public and have gotten absolutely nothing else done.
Just thought I would give you all a quick up date- Also to say don't worry if I am a little slow in posting. I may be on vacation to my white-jacket spa. I will let you all know when I return. hehehe..
Chow for now.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hello All

Well to the faithful few. I am finally updating my blog. I have had family in from Hawaii and we have had a full couple weeks of running and site seeing. Followed by pumpkin carving and coloring.
Swim lessons have started for the troops so that has pretty much taken over my life for the past week or so. We should be in a bit of a slow down mode now that the Hawaii crew is safely home in much warmer weather.
How will I recover from the lack of sleep and now the RAINY weather? Hmmm...
KNITTING and SCRAPBOOKING of course. hehehe..
The photo below is proof that we had some wild fun with the cousins... The litte red tank was partnered up with a white turtle neck. Because of the COLD weather we were having. Not exactly the right conditions for a tank top. I am going to request a better shot now that they are back home in the sun..
Believe it or not. We have had a lull in the I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT MOMENTS too..
I HEART that bunches... I am still working on the Hubby sweater and finishing up the two socks at once. I will post photos soon of all the finished projects.

Don't they boys look so angelic.. heheheh.. hmmm.